Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hugs and Kisses

haha..nope im not talking bout hugs and kisses but yeah suddenly i feel like hugging specky girl,cookie monster sister and rakazitsu.I miss you all dearly i pray that everyone is fine.and God is sustaining us. :D

there is this song that we taught the kids at pj old town got stuck in my wave length the whole week on and off. :D

Anyone sang this song before?

I will have no other gods before you,
Only you will reign as my heart's King,
I will have no other gods before you,
I will put you first in everything.

With all my heart
With all my soul
With all might
I wanna love you more..

I just learned it while teaching the kids there with my clowning sifu (aunty elsie) , and aunty kangaroo (joey mak) hehe.. With sign language too.. Nice nice.

I can't find it on youtube except for this beautiful girls practicing :D
but here is how it goes...

I just want to say that once again you are faithful
You always amaze me on the signs you give me that it is real..
that it is what you want me to do.
I don't know how i found the time for teaching there..but just because i was obedient you gave me even more. I'm Thankful I'm Grateful.

There are other things I'm really thankful and grateful too but until I have a confirmation i shall need to go through the process.

hugs and kisses
from me! :D

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