Friday, November 27, 2009


Today God is faithful again..

I can't believe i actually woke up late to go for the children leader's meeting. Like oh my goodness?! 10 am already and i'm still in bed?!!! I was like all ready to attend already the night before.

Little did i know that God allowed it to happen because I'm so unprepared for the kindergarten Holiday Programme. and and This is like the only day everyone can sit down and discuss...

I really can't do this alone. People please Lead !!! I mean God ..Please guide them to lead us!!! Im lost !!

ew ew..i hate my self...

But god i like the way u reveal everything to me gradually it's like the best drama plot ever!!!

Thank you God..Im going to trust you and commit this programme into your hands...

Sorry that i'm not good enough..

signing off...

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